Good afternoon UpGrade Media Arts Community! It is time for the first quote of the week. The quote this week comes from Audre Lorde. She was a woman who wore many hats, one of them being poetry. Her most famous poem is "A Litany for Survival." To comment on this quote of the week I would like to tell a metaphor that I've heard on a tv show before. Has anyone heard of "Fruits Basket"? It is an anime from Japan about a girl who's mother died and was taken in by a family with a humongous secret. At some point in the show, the main character, Tohru Honda, realized that Kyo Sohma, one of the main male leads, did not know how truly special he was. She told him how he didn't realize that because his plum is on his back. She explains how we all think of ourselves as a plain rice ball in this life. We look at other people and see how they have special plums or shapes or fruits on their back. Meanwhile, we are blind to our own plums. Why? Because they are on our backs. We can't see our own greatness because it's not directly in our faces. Can you imagine how many people want the plum that you have? I believe that we can pull that plum to the front and show it to the whole world. I challenge you community, to bring your plums to the front and show the world that you know and are confident in how great you are. Have a great day everybody!
6 months ago, Upgrade Media Arts
Good afternoon UpGrade Media Arts Community! It's time for another quote of the day. Since we've already done one by her husband this week, I figure it's appropriate to do one by her as well. Who am I talking about? Coretta Scott King, wife of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She was an author and wrote books such as "Coretta: My Life, My Love, My Legacy" and "My Life with Martin Luther King, Jr." I'm so excited to get into this quote today because I've been thinking about this subject a lot lately. Why does hatred hurt you more than the other person? Because your energy is being wasted on someone who isn't even worth it. You are putting all of your brain power into despising a person when you, quite honestly, have better things to do. You could write a book, learn how to speak another language, create a cure for cancer, but no. You're sitting around hating a person who isn't even giving you a second thought. I understand that the person may have harmed you in some sort of way, and if so you still need to let go and forgive them. Only then will you grow from what happened and create a new life for yourself. If you're hating for no reason, get some self-confidence. Often times we hate other people because we hate ourselves. From there we project onto others to make ourselves feel better and that's not right. Take yourself out on a date, go to the movies, go to a restaurant, eat a ton of ice cream! Love up on yourself so you can love up on others. That's all I have on this quote everyone. Have a great day and stay safe out there!
6 months ago, Upgrade Media Arts
Good afternoon UpGrade Media Arts Community and welcome back to in-person classes! I hope you all are staying warm during this frigid time. Today's quote of the day comes from the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Winston S. Churchill. During his time as Prime Minister, he was able to lead the people of the United Kingdom through the second world war. What the quote reminds us is that in life, things are going to change. You will have many highs and you will have many lows. That is an inescapable fact about life. That's why it's important for us to endure. No matter how hard it is, or how easy things may be, we must always endure like we are in a marathon. The marathon of life doesn't end until we're dead. Therefore, in success and in failure, we must be focused, dedicated, and not give up. Have a great day everybody!
6 months ago, Upgrade Media Arts
Good afternoon UpGrade Media Arts Community! I hope that you all are staying warm on this frigid day. Today's quote of the day is in honor of Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King was a civil rights leader who is known for his "I Have A Dream" speech and leading the Selma march. Let's talk about tension. Tension is defined as a strain or a stretching. When we learn, we stretch our minds to absorb new information. The reason why the absence of tension doesn't produce peace is because in order to have peace we need to learn. We must be open to learning about other people and their struggles. On the other hand, justice does produce peace because within justice there is knowledge and understanding of the people. Have a great day everyone!
6 months ago, Upgrade Media Arts
Good afternoon everyone! Here is the last quote of the week. This quote was said by the former First Lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt. She was the wife of former President Franklin D. Roosevelt and was very beloved by the American people for her compassion. Whenever we are about to enter the door to greatness, do you know who is the bouncer at the door? Fear. Fear will do its' best to stop us from doing something that we are destined or excited to do, but guess what? It's intimidation only. Fear means False Evidence Appearing Real. That's why this quote is important. In order to break the effect that fear has on us, we must do something that scares us everyday. The more we do, the more that we can just pass by the bouncer and not even see him as a threat. Happy snow day everyone and stay safe in this winter storm. Have a great weekend!
7 months ago, Upgrade Media Arts
Lunch Menu October 16-27
9 months ago, UpGrade Media Arts
Lunch Menu
This week's lunch menu:
10 months ago, UpGrade Media Arts
Lunch Menu
Dear UpGrade Media Arts Community: Welcome to the UpGrade Media Arts School 2023 - 2024 year. We are so excited to get the year started with academics, media projects and so much more. Students have started their WVS courses, met with their teachers, and have completed the first round of assignments. Students have also taken their business etiquette course with Ms. Cosey. They learned how to provide a proper handshake with eye contact and confidence. Mr. Elzie worked with the students to teach them the basics of podcast and broadcast production.
11 months ago, Mwanje Thompson
UMA Newsletter
UMA Newsletter
UMA Newsletter
UMA Newsletter
UMA Newsletter
Please welcome the newest member of our UMA team, Ms. Regiah Cosey
12 months ago, Upgrade Media Arts
Welcome to Regiah Cosey
UMA Photos of the week!
about 1 year ago, Upgrade Media Arts
Caleb working on Math problems at the Ambition Center.
Lewis taking the MAP test in his favorite orange chair at the downtown Milwaukee Public Library
Lewis and Trueman at the Milwaukee Public Library downtown looking at magazines.
Jayden avidly looking for a library book.
Congratulations to Dr. Kurth for her recent acceptance into the BizStarts Institute. BizStarts is targeted to entrepreneurs with strong business ideas who are launching early stage ventures. It features top faculty and business coaches, subject matter experts and entrepreneurs.
over 1 year ago, Upgrade Media Arts
Dr. Kurth
Today, UpGrade Media Arts students learned how to read pay stubs. They learned how payroll taxes are deducted, what gross income is, and what net pay is.
almost 2 years ago, UpGrade Media Arts Schools
student working on an assignment at a computer
Saniyah and Jordan are working on a science project that involves building a bridge. They are using the scientific method to document their progress. (Science Time is Good Time at UpGrade Media Arts School)
almost 2 years ago, UpGrade Media Arts Schools
students working on a project at a desk
From learning how to draw box plots, to learning how to create NFT’s, our UpGrade Media Arts Students minds stay active! 💡💡WWW.UPGRADESCHOOLS.ORG We are enrolling for Fall 2022 Choose UpGrade Media Arts for your 6th-12th Graders.
almost 2 years ago, UpGrade Media Arts Schools
student at computer
Congratulations to UpGrade Media Arts student Meli S. who is receiving a full scholarship to Columbia College Chicago’s “Summer at Columbia.” Meli will be taking media arts and entrepreneurship courses and staying on campus over the summer months while earning both high school and college credits. Thank you, Columbia, for being an amazing partner!
almost 2 years ago, UpGrade Media Arts Schools
Meli posed for a picture